Georgia Code 47-16
The Sheriffs’ Retirement Fund of Georgia is governed by Official Code of Georgia; Title 47; Chapter 16; Article 1-7.
Fund Assets
The assets of the Fund can only be invested as outlined by the guidelines set forth in the Official Code of Georgia.
The Board of Commissioners, staff and an investment consultant meet annually with each active investment manager to review the performance of each asset class. The Board of Commissioners and staff meet quarterly to review the investment consultant’s report on the total fund and the evaluation of each asset class’ performance versus its peers within the asset class and a specified benchmark.
As of June 30, 2024, the Fund’s market value totaled $119,638,832. The Fund is invested in the following investment allocations including large cap growth, large cap value, small and mid cap equity Fund, International Equity, REIT’s, Global Allocation Funds, and fixed income.
A total of $6,281,078.33 was paid to retirees in pension benefits during the fiscal year 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024. Death benefits during this time period totaled $105,000.