Joining the Fund
Membership in the fund is available to those serving as a duly qualified and commissioned sheriff of a county of the State of Georgia, serving as a sheriff of the Superior Court of that county at the time he files his application.
Membership is voluntary and an application must be filed within 12 months of assuming the Office of Sheriff, or within the first 30 days of a newly elected term.
When applying for membership, a certification of service as Sheriff must be completed and returned along with the application and first month’s dues of $65.00.
To continue membership, monthly dues of $65.00 must be paid and the member must continue serving in the capacity of sheriff. If membership is suspended for non-payment of dues, the member remains in the fund in suspended status, no credit for service as a basis for retirement benefits will be granted until reinstated.
Membership or participation in any other retirement systems shall not affect membership in this fund.
You may download the application of certification of service forms by clicking on the links below.
Payment of Dues
Invoices for dues are not mailed. You will receive a reminder letter at the end of the year for the upcoming year stating the amount of the required dues.
Membership dues may be paid monthly ($65.00 x 12); quarterly ($195.00 x 4); semi-annually ($390.00 x 2); or annually $780.00.
Dues may be submitted by personal check made payable to the Sheriffs’ Retirement Fund and mailed to our office. You may also have the dues automatically drafted from your checking or savings account by completing the below form and submitting to our office.
Claiming Prior Service
Up to four years of qualified prior full-time peace officer service and up to four years service of the armed forces of the United States maybe claimed during the first year of serving as Sheriff. This service must be stated on the application for membership filed with the Secretary/Treasurer of the Fund.
A member may also claim prior eligible service during the first 30 days of a new elective term by filing an amendment to the original application and paying the required dues along with interest at 8% per annum from the date of acceptance of the original application for membership.
Prior service is claimed by submitting $65.00 per month of eligible service along with certification of service from the employing agency and/or a copy of the member’s DD214. If the prior peace officer service is from an agency other than a Sheriff’s Office, the member will need to obtain a letter from the employing agency verifying the dates of employment and position held.
Please call our office for our staff to calculate the payment due to claim your prior service. You may download the certification of service forms and the amendment application by clicking on the below links.
Address/Beneficiary Change
All changes of address must be submitted to our office in writing. Please complete the below form and submit by mail.
It is imperative that the member contact our office to update any change in beneficiary. Please complete the below form, have it notarized and return by mail.
Refund of Dues
Any member may withdraw dues paid into the Fund at any time before retirement benefits have started. The member will receive 100% of the amount paid as dues without interest. The member will forfeit any and all rights and privileges to any benefits from the Fund, and the right to again become a member.
Please contact our office and the appropriate forms will be compiled and mailed to you for completion.